With the growing popularity of 3D printers, many people are beginning to ask whether 3D printing is a viable alternative to plastic injection molding. Theoretically, the answer is yes. A high-quality 3D printer can create a prototype that appears to replicate prototypes that can be created with plastic injection molding. Moreover, if only a small number of objects are needed, 3D printing can even appear to be a more affordable alternative to plastic injection molding.
Is 3D Printing a Good Alternative to Plastic Injection Molding?
The Answer Depends On a Number of Factors
However, there are several reasons that plastic- injection molding not only remains the standard for industry production, but will for the foreseeable future, despite tremendous technological gains in 3D printing. First, plastic injection molding is an affordable alternative for mass production. In New Jersey, I.F. Associates, Inc., can work with you, from concept through production, to bring your ideas to production, at extremely affordable prices that simply cannot be matched by any local 3D print farms. While, theoretically, 3D print farms could match the affordability of plastic injection molding under very specific circumstances, the reality is that these circumstances do not align with the majority of plastics applications.
Second, while 3D printing is creating a lot of buzz, the reality is that there are still some issues with items created with 3D printers, such as strength, surface finish, and accuracy. Plastic injection molding has been perfected over the course of almost 150 years, so that it is a reliable way of manufacturing uniform parts that meet a specific standard. When quality, endurance, and uniformity are key, 3D printing is simply not capable of meeting the same quality assurance standards as plastic injection molding.
Third, injection molding offers a capability for large volume production that simply cannot be matched in 3D print farms.
Perhaps the biggest advantage to plastic injection molding is that it is generally done by professionals with experience in the business. I.F. Associates, Inc., of New Jersey has over 30 years of experience. This experience means some of the highest quality control standards in the business, ensuring that they can conform to your specifications, even if your project is demanding or difficult. An in-house machine shop allows them to create and service all-molds, keeping complete ownership of the process, while their rapid turnaround for molded prototypes allows you to perfect your design prior to production. It is no wonder that some of New Jersey’s most successful companies choose I.F. Associates, Inc. for their plastic njection molding needs!